Thought I'd take a break from trying to fix the stupid washing machine, which is leaking through the drawer and whilst reading up on washing machine problems, discovered that liquid instead of powder, along with washing at low temperatures seems to contribute to a lot of the problems, as the bleach in powder (along with really hot water) seems to stop them from gunking up.
.. anyways, onto the real reason for this post (as I am sure no one really wants to hear my laundry woes)...
We got the Christmas tree on Saturday. It's a real cracker and almost hits the ceiling. Here's a little piccie:

Here's a little arty dot photo...

...and little close-up too.

Started reading Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. Not my normal read, but I always used to make a point of reading the Booker Prize winner, along with most of the shortlist and thought it would be a good habit to revisit.

Although it's not my normal genre (rarely read historical fiction), it's good so far and the author has a good writing style. Might join Good Reads to keep track of what I think of the books I read.
Sure I'll have more to update soon.