As well as some pasta (I just used dried 3-colour spirals as I had some in the cupboard), you will need 3 types of sausage (cocktail sausages, mini salami and hotdogs), bell pepper (any colour), hot sauce (at the moment I'm using Cholula, but Encona/Tabasco etc will do the same job), tomato puree and creme fraiche.
Chop the sausages and pepper into pieces approx 1.5". In a small/medium pan, heat some olive oil and gently fry the pepper for a couple of minutes. Throw in the sausage, a few dashes of balsamic vinegar and some sugar and continue to fry for a couple of minutes. Now start to boil the water for the pasta and throw pasta in once boiling. Add a good splodge of tomato puree (enougth to amply coat the sausages and pasta) and hot sauce (as much or little as you like!!), and cook a bit more. When pasta is just about ready to drain stir some creme fraiche into the sauce mixture. Drain pasta and add to sauce. Serve with some grated parmesan and black pepper.
Thanks for looking.
Lisa xoxo
Here's a little close up of the border embossing - I bought these and thought I might never use them, but actually I really like this one.
I'm quite liking my white background for a bit of a change, although I really need to make myself a banner for my title. A long time since I've done anything like that, so may have to trawl for a tutorial.
Lisa xoxo
As it was a last-minute order, I had to scramble about and use stuff I had which fitted the colour remit of orange, red, yellow, black and lilac. She also wanted chunky. I've had these orangy/yellowy discs for a while and always liked them. The others were just picked from my jumble of beads. I threaded the discs on eyepins, the top section on eyebins and the bottom danglers on headpins and just hooked the lot together.
Thursday was Stu's birthday, so I made him a cake. I asked him what sort of cake he wanted and he decided on chocolate. I don't like chocolate cake, except for Black Forest Gateau, so made one of those - not the prettiest thing ever, but it tasted really nice. I didn't have any kirsch though and couldn't see any in the Asda next to work, so just added some vodka to the cherry juice!
I also made this card for him. I always struggle a bit with man cards (I think most people do), but did manage to find a nice Metallica font, which kept the rock god happy, especially since Death Magnetic was released on his birthday. I've used DCWV Rock Star papers, inked with dark peony Cat's Eye chalk inks. The font is Pastor of Muppets, with the last letters being Pastor of Muppets Flipped.
Treated myself to one of those little portable studios from Maplin everyone has been raving about and I love it (even though I've only used it once, to photograph the earrings). Still need to faff around with it a bit though, as I was getting quite a bit of reflection of the glass on the background, although I think it looks quite nice. Anyways, I'm great at faffing, so shouldn't be too much of a hardship.
Thanks for looking. Toodles xoxo
From Papermill I got DCVW Rock Star 8x8 pad and Dovecraft Funky Masculine Brads. From my local shop I got 2 sets of Cuttlebug embossing folders - Snowflakes which I wanted since last winter and Frill Borders (which I thought looked really nice, but now that I have them home I'm not sure if I'll use them. I also go Dovecraft Rose Tinted Christmas and Winter Wonderland brads, Winter Wonderland, Fantasy, A Hint of Pink & Wedding 6x6 pads, DCVW Rose Tinted Christmas & Christmas Wishes 6x6 pads and a Laura Ashley Contemporary 6x6 pad.
Now to use it all (and perhaps have a bit of a clearout of existing stuff).
Toodles xoxo
Unfortunately because I printed them on pearly card and I'm a pretty crap photographer they look a bit speckled here(they don't look like that in real life - just pale gold pearly).
Stu got measured for his new kilt at the weekend and put the deposit down on it - should be ready 2 or 3 weeks before the wedding.
On other matters, I have had the strangest desire to sew and was thinking of half inching my mum's sewing machine as she never uses it. Don't know what I fancied making, but had visions of me running up little beach bags and decorating stuff I already have - maybe that needs to be hand sewn - I really have no clue.
Also weirdly (I don't know what's come over me these days - keep thinking I'll do stuff I normally have no interest in), I was in my local craft shop buying blanks for my menus, when I spotted nice pink and black DCWV Christmas papers in 1 6x6 pad. I also saw a nice blue Dovecraft one and then another DCWV in red and green, so I bought them all (along with some Christmas brads) - really odd since I hardly even give out cards at Christmas - who knows maybe this year will be different (but if you're one of my friends reading this, please please don't hold your breath, as you'll probably end up dead and that would make me feel guilty!!!!)
Off to do something productive now - had a long list, but had to go back into work for a couple of hours tonight just as I was getting settled.
Toodles xoxo
Stu spied it in a charity shop on his way home from work one day, so it was an absolute bargain. I love it to bits.
Got all my wedding invites posted today (well apart from half a dozen I didn't have addresses for, but got those today, so they'll go tomorrow. Will post a pic in a couple of days once people have theres.
I did this jewellery set for a colleague of my sister. First time I've used purple, amber/topaz and turquoise together but I really liked it. In fact for once I didn't want to part with it - strange thing is S bought it to give as a present for her sister and didn't want to give it away either.
Pendant is Swarovski teardrop with glass beads hung on a dark brown ribbon and bracelet is assorted glass beads interspersed with 4 colours of purple Swarovski bicones.
Thanks for looking.
Toodles xoxo
Anyways, on Saturday I decided to have a go at Sushi. I acquired a gadget called Sushi Magic and this was the result:
I was really pleased as it was the first time I've ever attempted it. But really it wasn't too difficult. The Californian rolls weren't quite right and I didn't have enough rice left over to make maki. The bowl in the top left has soy sauce and pickled ginger in the top right. I added some mini rice crackers in the middle bowl to balance things out. Obviously I made more than 4 pieces - here is the everything I made:
Stu the guinea-pig was well impressed. I think he thought at first it didn't look very much, but we couldn't finish it all between us as it was really filling.
I would definitely recommend having a go at making it, although I may have struggled without the Sushi Magic (it has moulds for the nigiri and has a rolling mat for the maki/Californian rolls, which was pretty easy to use.
Thanks for looking.
This picture shows why I am a secretary and not a hand model, although I do like my hands :D.
Thanks for looking.
Lisa xoxo
From left to right they are: silver zig zag ring bought in Mallorca, my gorgeous white gold and diamond engagement ring, silver ball ring bought in Ibiza and silver swirly ring bought locally. In case you can't guess, I love long rings.
Thanks for looking. xoxo
Not long til ours now too - I must get myself into gear with losing weight - on holiday for the next 2 weeks so that should give me a good start - always easier away from work.
Looks like I have a final design for my invites now - will get them printed off soon, so that all I need to do closer to the time will be the inserts.
Also got holiday booked for next year - off on a Caribbean cruise in February - can't wait.
Did these card for colleagues as well:
New addition to family 80th Birthday
Ruby Wedding
Hopefully I'll have some time when I'm off work to do more cards and my first jewellery in ages. I really envy those people who seem to be able to get so much done.
Toodles xoxo
Decided to call this bracelet Strawberry Fields. Would have had it finished last week, I discovered when I went to finish it off that my last end crimp cover didn't have a hole in it, so I had to order more.
Can't do one of the little close up photos I've been using lately as for some reason Photoshop won't work tonight (I've even tried reinstalling) so have had to use Paintshop Pro instead and I don't like using it (plus I'm completely crap at it).
Thanks for looking.
Toodles xoxo
I've used Making Memories Ethan and DCWV papers/card. Bunny cut using Quickutz Peekaboo Bunny, nameplate is Sizzix and font used is Quickutz Sunshine.
This one uses papers from my local craft shop and card is DCVW metallics. Nameplate again is Sizzix and Easter Egg is hand cut and embossed using the Cuttlebug Swirls folder.
Final one uses English Paper Company papers and a Quickutz chick. Tag is a Bosskuts one and Easter Egg is again hand cut and embossed using Cuttlebug dots folder.
Finally, it was Stu's Dad's 60th on Easter Sunday, so I made him this card. papers used are Making Memories Ethan (I actually forgot I had these papers and they are so good for guy cards), number is hand cut and inked and font is Quickutz Sunshine. Thanks for looking and toodles for now xoxo
If you don't already know, it's about the life and untimely death of Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division. It's all filmed in black and white, which makes it very atmospheric. Soundtrack is wonderful and Sam Riley is just fabulous in the lead role.
A definite must-see as far as I'm concerned and it defintely deserves a 5-star rating. Best non-fluff film I've seen in forever.
The next film we watched was STARDUST. This one didn't hugely appeal to me, but I had to eat my words as it was very enjoyable. Very fairytale-ish, but not at all babyish, it had a great story to it, was well-acted and generally just really good.
You'll probably know the main song from Take That, which is a good tune for a feel-good movie. I'll give this one a 4-star rating. Michelle Pfeiffer is fab in it and Robert de Niro has some cracking scenes. You'll also see Ricky Gervias, who even manages to slip in his "are you having a laugh" line from Extras.
On a don't bother watching thread, it has to be DEATH PROOF. I absolutely loved the Tarrantino classics (Reservior Dogs, Pulp Fiction, True Romance), but this was such a disappointment we traded it in the day after we bought it. The first 30 mins or so were ok, and left you with the feeling it was going to get better, but it just didn't.
A massive let-down is about the best that can be said about it, hence the 2-star rating (actually I did seriously consider only giving it one, and may still change this).
Onto books now. Recently finished THE ALEXANDRIA LINK by Steve Berry. The blurb on the back reads:
"Cotton Malone is in trouble. His son has been kidnapped and his bookshop in Copenhagen attacked, all because he is the only man alive who knows the whereabouts of the Alexandria Link - the means of locating the most important cache of ancient knowledge ever assembled: the legendary Library of Alexandria, which vanished without trace fifteen hundred years ago."
I loved this book. A great adventure, with a few twists in the tale, it grips you from start to finish. If you're familiar with THE TEMPLAR LEGACY you'll meet up with a few characters you already know and find out a bit more about them. A definite 4-stars from me.
I still have to do some game reviews, but as this has already become a bit of an epic post, I'll wait a day or too.
Thanks for reading my blurb. xoxo
Hand cut the number and rugby ball using DCWV cardstock and chalked the edges. Grass paper is from a DCWV stack (you know when you look at a stack of paper and think to yourself "when on earth will I ever use that one? Well, bingo!!)
Got another party this week - need to make a CD with 10 songs with the first letter of my name for it. I've sort of picked mine out, so it'll just be a case of burning them onto a disc.
Toodles xoxo
The papers are Making Memories Kids in Kate, the buckes and buttons are Sizzix, the Tag is Bosskut and the font is Rebekah's Birthday. The gorgeous white flower (sorry my botany skills are crap so I have no idea what kind it is, but it looks a bit like an orchid) is part of my Craft Fairies Design Team kit.
Thanks for looking.
Lisa xoxo
This is what I listen to. There is a reason I have 2 of them, but it's a bit long and really not very exciting - suffice to say if you get a hard disc error on the big one, don't panic - there are ways of fixing it (and it's a very hardy bit of kit!!)
Thanks for looking.
Lisa xoxo
Yup, I know it's a page from a book, but it was dark when I got home from work (I do pass a fantastic flood on the way to and from work, but it's at a bit where you can't just stop and get out. I had to compromise, so it's a photo of a painting of a flood from a book, with Photoshop water droplets added.
Hope I can do better tomorrow.
Lisa xoxo
Thanks for looking.
Mum gave her this one with the baby in a pink nappy:
Papers are DCWV, nameplate and corners are Sizzix, circle and frame are Cuttlebug embossed with a Cuttlebug emobssing folder and font is QK Sunshine.
The last one with the tag and pram is the one G gave:
Papers were from my local craft shop, embossed using a Sizzix Big Impressions plate tag and butterfly tag were cut with Sizzix dies and font is Girls are Weird.
Life in general is ticking away nicely. Hoping to get moved into my new job in the next few weeks (but we have to get someone in place for my current one first!), although getting paid at new salary so that's ok. Will also be enrolling for a VQ Management Level 4 course next week.
Not really added any more wedding plans, although have an appointment with the florist on Saturday.
As always I do promise to try to update more frequently than I have done lately - just had a lot of stuff going on and time just seems to fly by - one day I will be organised though :D:D
Toodles xoxo