Well, it's been a chaotic week workwise, but a good one I suppose - I'd be bored stiff if it wasn't hectic.
On Tuesday I went to see Volver - it was excellent; Penelope Cruz is so much better as an actress when she's speaking in her native tongue. God would I kill to look like instead of like me too. It was at the Town Hall and they had this cracking Taxi Driver poster, as it is showing on Monday. I've asked if I can get it once they're finished with it - so fingers crossed cos it would look really good in my hall.
Tonight I'm off to a Christmas dinner & party although hopefully will manage to bail about 21:00. Got some stuff I'd like to work on when I get home, all in ancipation of something I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Hopefully it will give me the kick up the arse I've been needing lately.
No plans for the weekend :( apart from trying to see The Devil Wears Prada.
Sorry it's a bit short and not particularly sweet tonight, but in a bit of a rush.
Oh, and I want to learn to play guitar.
TTFN xoxo
Christmas Party?
Please tell me it IS still October and I haven't slept through a whole month.
yup, you're ok, Kathy - not completely lost it.
Christmas dinner was a freebie promo thing at a local hotel - was a good night cost ended up being not christmassy apart from the turkey and making a tree from balloons.
Got a bottle of champagne too so it was well worth it.
I always intend to have non-Christmas dinner sometime in the middle of the year, but never seem to get round to it. I love Turkey and all the trimmimgs - seems a shame to only do it once a year. A bit like only having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.
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